Thursday, 10 November 2011

Week 14

It all comes to an end.... Whoever that is reading this....Enjoy your holidays!!!!

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Week 13

Bits and pieces of the puzzle (plans and section etc.) are handed to me from everyone for layout in illustrator. Communications are still made to see if the layout works well and fit the theme of the house. Renders hot from the oven are passed to me by sunder to add in humans from Photoshop as well as choosing the images that we will add in the analogue drawings. 

Layout process, Adobe Illustrator

our title block... notice the police box.... 

I was involved in the photoshop saga as well....images after images of editing.... phew...
note: justin would not be the final photoshop but I had fun adding him to see his reaction...

Photoshop before and after, Adobe Photoshop

My favorite renders from Saunder...

Finishing up the analogue and final debriefing on out project... 

I must say, we all have done our job diligently and have participated in this actively. 

Most of all WE ALL had FUN!